As a business grows, it must hire more employees, which can result in increased payroll administration. We can assist you in implementing a reliable and efficient payroll system or processing your payroll. Our Firm can also help you comply with the various labor laws and regulations as well as prepare all necessary payroll tax returns in a timely manner.
We offer customized electronic payroll systems to meet the specific needs and demands of your business. Letting us handle your payroll means you never have to worry about keeping up with tax law or reporting requirements again.
Our payroll system provides a wide array of options including direct deposit, compliance reporting, tax filing, and more. We can set-up automatic reports to allow you to review your payroll as efficiently as possible.
Our payroll system includes the following capabilities:
- Withholdings calculations for Federal and all 50 states
- Multiple payroll schedules and types including retroactive, tips, and reimbursements
- Direct deposit
- A wide array of standard deductions and an unlimited number of custom deductions
- Tracking and accrual of vacation, personal, and sick time
- Electronic payment of federal, state, and local payroll taxes
- Filing of quarterly and annual federal and state payroll forms
- Complete W-2 and W-3 reporting
- Full range of compliance reports
- Our professional advice and guidance on payroll matters